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2025 Full Moon Hike Series



HIKE TIME 7:30PM - 9:30PM
Meeting details will be emailed out prior to the event.

Join us to celebrate the April Full Pink Moon as we continue our 2025 Full Moon Headlamp Hike Series. Join us under the moon as we hike together, celebrating the spring season.

This hike is REDLAMP ONLY. White light headlamps will not be permitted on this hike. Red lamps help preserve our night vision and enhance the experience of hiking in the woods at night.

Hikers will meet at one of Frick Park's entrances for a night hike through the woods as we experience this beloved local park in the dark! Bring a redlamp headlamp on this hike. We will also hike by the light of the full moon when we douse our headlamps and traverse the main trails by moonlight.

Feel free to swing by 3ROC before the hike to buy a headlamp if you need one.
We will have a limited number of headlamps available to rent for the hike on a first come, first served basis. Rental price is $5. 

Activity Level: Moderate. We will be traversing the trails of Frick at night including some uphill sections of trail on single track trail segments.

Join us for a ~ 4 mile hike through Frick Park. We will be using a combination of main trails and more technical single track trails. This hike is appropriate for age 14 and up.

Pricing: $8 per hiker -- $10 day of event

This event typically sells out! Please register early!

Sarah from 3 Rivers Outdoor Co. will lead the hike, so bring any gear-related questions about camping, paddling, climbing, and hiking in Western PA.