Shop, Sell, or Donate USED GEAR...
3 Rivers Outdoor Co. sells used outdoor equipment on consignment. We sell used gear brought to us by our customers and sell it on consignment. We believe that great gear is out there waiting to resume its useful life. Re-using and re-selling good quality gear is not just good for the pocket book it minimizes our eco-footprint. Used gear can help someone looking to explore a new outdoor sport get started where cost can sometimes be prohibitive.
We only accept "gently" used outdoor equipment and brand name outdoor apparel brands. Items must be clean and in working condition and still have useful life remaining.
We are looking for quality outdoor brands like Patagonia, Black Diamond, Mountain Equipment, Merrell, Mont-bell, Prana, Marmot, Mountain Hardwear, Outdoor Research, Sierra Designs, MSR, Chaco, to name a few.
We will NOT accept fashion brands, like Old Navy, GAP, Calvin Klein, and other brands. If you are unsure what we accept please call us or message us to ask before you make a trip. / 412-871-5038
All items requiring batteries must have batteries so it can be tested. All items must be operable.
All tents will be set up in shop with an employee to ensure working condition.
Items that are DIRTY, RIPPED, TORN, HAVE HEAVY WEAR, or have STRONG ODORS, or are MISSING PARTS will NOT be accepted for consignment.
Team sporting goods brands and equipment will NOT be accepted. i.e soccer, football, lacrosse, ect or exercise equipment like treadmills or weights.
3ROC staff will make the final call of whether any item is accepted which can be based on condition, current stock, seasonal requirements, or price.
We reserve the right to refuse any item but will do our best to serve your needs.
The sale price of each item will be negotiated with you and a staff member. Prices should be no greater than 70% of original MSRP.
Items Priced $0-299 will receive 60% of the FINAL sale price as store credit or 50% as a cash value.
Items Priced $300-$599 will receive 70% store credit or 60% cash value.
Items Priced $600+ will receive 75% store credit or 70% cash value.
UPON REQUEST Cash value is available for pickup in store by check.
3ROC is NOT able to make payouts in CASH.
Items may be discounted at the discretion of 3ROC starting at the 1st of the following month. Example; item is consigned on March 15th. April 1st the item will be discounted up to 10%, 3ROC may thereafter further discount the item as it deems necessary. The amount and timing of the discount is solely within the discretion of 3ROC.
Items may be picked up anytime by the consignor and remain the property of the consignor until they are sold.
After 90 days, 3ROC will send out an email notification of UNSOLD ITEMS. Items NOT picked up by consignor within 2 weeks of the 90 Day notification become the property of 3 Rivers Outdoor Co. and will be donated to a local charity.
All USED GEAR Sales are Final. No Returns or Exchanges for Used Gear sold.
Currently Accepting
- Spring clothing
- Summer apparel (shorts, t-shirts, tank tops)
- Bathing suits and board shorts
- Summer footwear (sandals, water shoes)
- Kayaks
- Camping equipment
- Sleeping bags
- Sleeping pads
- All-season tents
- Internal frame/frameless backpacks
- Children’s clothing
- Outdoor footwear
- Climbing shoes
- Modern headlamps
- Stoves and cooking equipment
- Pocket knives and multi-tools
- Bikes
- Trail running shoes
- Cycling shoes
- Outdoor Books
Currently NOT Accepting
- Fall / Winter Apparel
- Cross Country Skis & Boots
- Winter clothing
- Fleece
- Snowboards, and skis
- Snowboard bindings
- Intimate apparel
- Most cotton pants and shorts
- Cotton t-shirts/sweatshirts
- Fashion brands (J. Crew, American Eagle, Abercrombie, Old Navy, etc.)
- External frame backpacks
- Climbing soft goods; ropes/harnesses
- Climbing hard goods; belay devices/cams
- Used Helmets for any sport
- No Lifejackets or PFD's
- No Ski's releasable bindings
How to Get Started
You will complete an electronic 3ROC Consignment application in the store or online and we will create a consignment account in your name. Using the link above you can get started on the consignment application filling out your personal details and the item descriptions and asking price. When you bring the items into the store we will review the application with you. The above link only works correctly from a desktop web browser at this time. It will NOT load correctly on a phone. You may also complete the entire application in store when you bring your items for consignment.
If you wish you can select to donate a portion of your earnings to a local non-profit we are currently partnering with at the time of consignment.
You may select to have items NOT SOLD after 90 days to be automatically donated or to be NOTIFIED for pickup.
We will process payment for 60% of the sale price as store credit on your account the month following the items sale. Checks are not automatically sent out each month. You must call and request a check for pickup or to be sent. Check value is 50% of the sale price.
If you have more than 10 items we ask that you make an appointment and come prepared with a completed contract and a list of all items that includes;
Item Description
Desired Selling Price
Original MSRP (if possible)
Giving Back through Used Gear
You can choose to donate your earnings from used gear sales to the current nonprofit partner. Let a staff member know when you bring in your used items you’d like to donate them. All earnings from those items will be donated to the current nonprofit organization we are partnered with for the season.
Contact Us
Need to know more? Ask us a question about consigning gear.